What’s New: LEGO Is Building a More Inclusive and Equitable World

To build a more inclusive and equitable world, Lego initiated a process to reflect diversity in their toy products.  Recently Lego introduced a collection of characters that reflect the diverse personalities that children meet in their lives. The new characters include those with Down syndrome, limb differences, anxiety, vitiligo, and a dog with a wheelchair. 

Another product, LEGO Braille Bricks is designed to help children living with sight loss to develop tactile skills and learn the braille system. The bricks are molded so that the studs on top reflect individual letters and numbers in the Braille alphabet. The bricks also feature printed letters, numbers, and symbols so that they can be used simultaneously by peers in a collaborative and inclusive way. 

To read more about diversity and inclusion at Lego, click here


What’s New: Cool Wheelchair!


What’s New: Inclusive Chocolates!