What’s New: Sports and Recreation Programs that Welcome ALL Children

“It’s not enough to simply accommodate children with disabilities in existing programs; the goal should be to create inclusive programs that welcome all children to participate.” This insight is the theme of the article titled 4 Ways to Build Inclusive Sports and Recreation Programs for Children with Disabilities posted by Kids Included Together (KIT).

This resource examines four key components for inclusive sports and recreation programs in communities, camps and schools including:

  • Provide Inclusion Training for Coaches, Volunteers, and Staff by offering training session and workshops; providing resources such as handbooks; and inviting guest speakers and advocates to address the benefits of inclusion in sports and recreation.

  • Implement Accessible Activities Facilities and Equipment by collaborating with people with disabilities, community organizations and inclusion professionals to adopt best practices.

  • Foster a Culture of Inclusion that Creates a Sense of Belonging for all Children by using language and imagery that is inclusive; adjusting program activities and make them adaptable to cater to various skill levels; and encouraging children to feel comfortable about sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • Encourage Peer Involvement by incorporating helper roles into routines to empower all children and make transitions from one activity to another smooth during group and peer interactions.

The Ready, Set, Summer on Demand webinar series designed for camp and program leaders is currently available on the KIT website until September 15, 2023. Facilitator guides and actions plans are also available. 

To view these resources, click here.


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